Chess Ending: 单兵残局 ( King and Pawn VS. King )
Learning Resources
This page is a summry of the following learning resources.
- Training from Coach DanNing in BoWang club.
- 第一章 第10节 单兵升变
- 第二章 第10节 残局-王单兵对单王(上、下)
And here are some key points to keep in mind.
- 王兵残局(尤其在学习了关键格之后), 思路要先动王, 把王冲到最优的位置之后再动兵. 没有明确理由(等招,应用储备招)除外, 避免先冲兵.

The rule of the square

Key Square

The Key Square Summary ( Important )
